World famous Starbucks Coffee has finally reached the shores of Sugarlandia. The first Starbucks in Western Visayas will be located at 18th-Lacson St., Bacolod City. This development will further boost the designation of Lacson St. as Tourism Strip of Bacolod City. High end restaurants, bars and coffee shops already line up Lacson St. and the addition of Starbucks will be welcomed by foreigners who are familiar with the international brand.
Construction is currently ongoing for the stand-alone Starbucks branch at Lacson St. It was speculated that Starbucks will open its first branch in Bacolod City at the San Antonio Park Square (SanParq) where Convergys is located. However, with the current construction going on at the Lacson branch, it’s being speculated that the SanParq will be the second branch of Starbucks. This still remains to be seen.
Personally, I’m interested to observe how Starbucks will compete with local favorite Cafe Bob’s which already has loyal patrons and is located quite near Starbucks.
Here are Starbucks construction updates. Photos courtesy of Tony Manso.

Update: As of October 22, 2008
Did you see the sign? The first Starbucks in Western Visayas coming soon!
Update: As of November 28, 2008
(Photos courtesy of
Starbucks opening this December!
hi to all… it was so nice to have starbucks here in bacolod city. i just want to ask about this company if they are still hiring for a job? here only in bacolod city starbucks.. thanks..
yup.. Welcome to the christian world, Starbucks Bacolod
join bacolod’s Online community site
how happy we are..!!kay may starbucks na ang bacolod mga addict sa coffee…lets go na….!!!! lets relax there.
Yup, blessing and for invited guests lang. Tomorrow sila ma open sa public. Migo sniper was there. Check out his blog bacolodlive.
ka gina guro sang gab.i nag open, naka agi ko 2, daw ga blessings na cla. =)
hahaha, thanks man sa links…
join bacolod’s Online community site
miga, feature ko lang sa blog mo ang akon na pic sang starbucks Bacolod
for those who wants to see more pics of starbucks , please visit
thanks for the link miga 🙂 hehehehe share share lang ta a 🙂 anyway, see you on Dec 9..hahahahaha lets attack starbucks.
December 9 gali.. move naman guro nila, sang last siling sang friend ko na may invitation 8 knu. heheh =)
Hapit ko to kagab-i. Ara na mga furnitures and fixtures, paninlo na lang to sila. Tama2 lng magpuli ko da liwat, open na. Haha. As if makadto man ko Starbucks.
Thanks gid for the info Rene. Madagsa gid ni ang tawo. 😀
opening daw sa december 8. =)
hehehe gani man, kilala sang friend k ang nag construct cling nya deadline nila december 3, and expected date nila to open dec 5. tani eh, para atleast mag christmas daw may tambayan ka naman na lain.. galing mahal.. pero lets try ah.. basi palang mas cheaper sang sa manila (atleast may starbucks na ang bacolod). hehe 1st in western visayas.. na unahan tapa ang davao? 🙂
That would be next week na no? I don’t have an invitation for the opening. My clout hasn’t reached that level yet. hehehe… Anyway, we’ll wait and see. So we can expect the 2009 planner already. 😀
bati ko deadline nila is December 3 and expected opening is on december 5. =)
San-o opening sang Starbucks sa Bacolod? May na storya ko na barista sa MOA na tapos na kuno training sang mga baristas nila for the Bacolod branch. Tapos I think may ra man taga Manila na ma kadto da.
uy may new pics… thanks sa update.. =) kita ko man na ka gina, galing wala ko dala cam.. cp ko.. law.ay ang resolution. hehehe
okay if may time ko. bati ko december 3. hahaha =)
Opening might be on the first week of December. If you can take a picture Rene please share also on this site. Thanks.
nag agi ko 2 gina sang aga.. may mga crystal na ang walls… if madala ko akon cam picturan ko mag agi ko 2. =)
Bacolod’s Online Community site.
Any new pics?
Yup, I think and I hope that they will open before the year ends. 😀
Okay thanks gd.. gn add taman ka sa links ko. =) ka dasig lang gd sang ubra nila sang Starbucks.. cguro almost 70% of completion na sg structure sang pag agi ko ka gina. =)
Bacolod’s Online Community site.
I agree.. bantayi bala kay madugok naman na ang tawo dira mag open. BTW, I’ve added you to my blogroll.
But if will open this christmas.. dako gd ni na regalo for bacolodnons hehehe
I still have no idea when they are opening but somebody told me the training for the managers is currently ongoing and will end this December.
haiz. so sad naman! im trying to apply in starbucks but the submission of application via online has already ended! So what else i can do for? hope to have a nice reply then! thanx!
Rene: I still have no idea when they are opening. As what Tikaon here commented, I also hope they can open this Christmas. At the rate the construction is going, maybe that’s the plan. I’ll keep you posted if I have other infos.
Kitz: I saw their ads at jobstreet before but it already ended. Just keep your eyes open. I’ll try to ask around also.
Here’s the jobstreet link
Tani hingagaw Starbucks open sa Christmas ba. Hehe. Wala lang. Para hingagaw man stickers sa planner. :p
hi! i just want to ask where could i apply a job for starbucks’ branch here in Bacolod? do you have any idea?
When is the opening of Starbucks bacolod? 🙂
hahaha.. thanks. =) hope you can also join =)
That’s not mine! hehehe… Please ask permission from Sniper/SUV of bacolod city forum 😀
ei.. nice site and update, i copied your pics @ the forum of
hope its okay for you.. ill add your link there, to check. please join
Site forum:
No jay, this is not Sniper’s blog but he’s kind enough to contribute his wonderful photos. Watch out for Sniper’s blog —
pls add and support masskara account at
in your friendster acct.tnx
hi sniper i was looking for you. i need to ask permission regarding the pics that i got not from you but from other frienster friends.. but at least i know imo ni gli blog. pls add me sa friendster okey? message me lng dayun pakilala ka tnx
about the jeep, sorry…was inside the jeepney when i took it, theres no means to ask the driver to move out so i can take a pic 🙂 when the building is done,….i dont think i will post pictures of it with jeepney as an entourage. 🙂 i will wait for BMW, Benz, Hummer etc..etc…to stop in front of SB Bacolod and i will surely take a snap of it
Way to go bacolod! finally realizing the corporate coffee lifestyle.. It’s a good sign of progress to see that world-class marque in our laid-back streets, and only means that the spending power of the middle class is gaining ground. Although I used to be, and still am, a Cafe Bob’s regular, It’s good to know we have more and more good choices, raising the bar for the locals, in terms of competitive design, strategies, and I’m all for beautifying our cityscape. Thanks for the info, and to the photo contributor, just a tip, the jeepney doesn’t actually work as an entourage. ka law-ay tan awon! 😛