With internet services becoming cheaper and more accessible, more Filipinos are getting connected to the internet. This also opens up a lot of opportunities which are not available before. With internet connection provided by PLDT Home, more Filipino families are now taking advantage of the benefits of getting digitally connected.
More Opportunities to Lean
With internet access, Filipinos can take advantage of online learning opportunities such as Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). If you want to learn something, more often than not, there are already a lot of available resources online. Some of these courses are free while some have minimal fees. Some of these sites are Coursera, edX, YouTube, Udemy.
More Opportunities to Earn
The internet has also opened up more opportunities to earn online especially for stay-at-home-moms. Sites like Upwork provide a platform for Filipinos to look for online jobs such as encoding, writing, graphic design, and a lot more.
Games and Entertainment
Who would have thought that e-games will become mainstream and even be recognized as a legitimate sport? To some, gaming is no longer just a game but a career.
The internet has also disrupted the entertainment industry through online streaming and videos on demand. It has also provided an opportunity for independent artists to become known through YouTube.
More Empowered Consumers
The internet is also changing the way Filipinos live. Growing more and more digitally connected, Filipinos now realized the power they have as consumers to choose products and services that suit them, to give feedback, and to become updates with laws and regulations that affect them.
Staying Connected
Perhaps the most important thing that the internet has provided Filipinos with is the opportunity to stay connected with family and friends. A large number of Filipino families have a member who is an OFW so staying connected through the internet is really important in keeping families closer despite the physical distance.
To know more about the products and services of PLDT Home, visit their website at https://pldthome.com/
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