“Mga Bag-ong Nawong (sang Damgo kag Katingalahan)”, a short film directed by up-and-coming Negrense director Mark Raymund Garcia is one of the 23 short films that will compete in the Southeast Asian Short Film Competition of the Singapore International Film Festival.
Joining Garcia’s film are two other Filipino short films, “To Pick a Flower” of Shireen Seno and “Himala: A Dialectic of Our Times” of Lav Diaz.
“Para ini sa tanan nga nagpati sa amon salida, sa mga producers, actors, kag crew nga nagbulig para maubra ni, kag sa akon pamilya kag mga abyan nga padayon nga nagapati sa pwede namon mahimo apesar sang pandemya. Para sa Sagay kag Bacolod, Negros kag Pilipinas. Para sa mga damgo nga tani aton tanan malab-ot. Padayon kita tanan!”, Garcia said in his Facebook post.
The films briefer reads “Masking up against an invisible adversary…A pandemic confronts us with a new masked reality. As masked personas take over, we question what has come before and what is to come.”
Mga Bag-ong Nawong runs for 11 minutes in Hiligaynon and shows a perspective of what life is like during the pandemic through poetry, metaphor, movements, and the use of painted masks.
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