Contra Mestre Parabolica and the students of Escola Capoeira Grupo Senzala – Bacolod at Mandala Centering Place are excitedly anticipating the month of August as they welcome the visit of another Mestre of Capoeira all the way from France. Mestre Banana and his family are coming for a visit and will surely share and teach a class for the Capoeiristas here in Bacolod!

Mestre Banana or Marcio da Silva started training for Capoeira when he was fourteen years old under the tutelage of Mestre Elias at Escola Capoeira Grupo Senzala in Teresopolis, Brazil. In the seven years of training and learning Capoeira, he was able to achieve receiving the Blue Rope in 1994 and the Green Rope in 1996 and became a teacher.
In 1999, he joined Contra Mestre Torneiro (teacher at the time) and Bem Ti Vi (now Capoeira Brasil group) in France. There he taught Capoeira in Paris, Melun, Amiens and Cergy. A year after, August 2000, Marcio da Silva went back to Teresopolis, Brazil and earned his Purple Rope and he became Professor Banana. He went back to France and joined Saint Germain Capoeira Association and decided to develop his work there. The association started with twenty students and grew every year. He holds eight classes every week in the city of Saint Germain en Laye and has developed and extended to other cities of Yvelines (Chatou, Le Vésinet, Triel sur seine, Mantes la Jolie) and Hauts de Seines (Gennevilliers). He was able to organized three international meetings in Saint Germain, in the year of 2003, 2004 and 2006.

In August 2007, he was recognized for the efforts and development of his education in France, he won the Brown Rope and became Contra-Mestre Banana. He has been in France for fifteen years and currently he has 800 students training under him.
What a privilege it will be for the students of Escola Capoeira Grupo Senzala – Bacolod to be able to meet someone who through hard work, determination to learn, developing his education from the age of fourteen have achieved so much in the world of Capoeira.

And here’s a quote from a Brazilian author, who has inspired a lot readers through his words… and I quote “And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” ― Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist
Thus, all of us can achieve what we want to achieve as long as we believe that we can achieve what we set out for ourselves. And in Capoeira, when you achieve earning your Cordas (Ropes) you get to share what you’ve learn to others and help them achieve their goals as well.
Curious of about Capoeira? Visit Escola Capoeira Grupo Senzala – Bacolod at Mandala Centering Place, Burgos Extension, Bacolod City. Contra Mestre Parabolica and his wife Ktty Cooper-Aquino will be there to welcome you!
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