The “Dinosaurs Are Back” and they’re out to entertain you. Children and adults alike get a chance to learn more about dinosaurs when nine fully automated robotic dinosaurs are displayed at the Robinsons Place Bacolod. The exhibit opened on August 20 and will end on August 31.

“Dinosaurs are Back” feature Tyrannosaurus Rex, Deinonychus, Triceratops, Apatosaurus, Apatosaurus baby, Dimetredon, Pachycephalosaurus, Stegosaurus and Stegosaurus baby. The dinosaurs are displayed in a simulation of their original habitat, complete with lights and sounds.

Come and experience this rare exhibit at the Robinsons Place Bacolod! Tomorrow may be the last time you’ll get to see these Dinosaurs roam the Mall. Entrance fee is only P25.

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