As summer of 2013 turned into a summer of many discoveries, it was in this summer too that we discovered Capoeira. I once saw this in a local cable show and told myself, this is such a unique way of dancing and making music. I also notice that there was a bit of martial art movements incorporated while dancing and playing with some ethnic musical instruments. I tried finding out where this was but to no avail. Then summer came and we discovered the music studio 5 minutes from our house, where we also found Brazilian Jiu Jitsu in Bacolod. And at the reception area was a brochure of the place called Mandala Centering Place featuring Capoeira! Imagine that, right under our noses or should I say “just still another 5 minutes from our house” all this time!

And so, we went to inquire and watch the Capoeira class and saw the many opportunities this class had to offer. Before discovering Capoeira, my daughter told me that she wanted to be in a dance class that summer. When we saw Capoeira, I told my daughter to try this first because there was dancing, there was martial art, she’s going to learn ethnic Portuguese musical instruments and she is going to learn how to speak Portuguese! Realizing that she’ll be learning a lot from just one class she said she will try. And to this day, she did not regret joining.

Last November 2014 was one of the biggest high light of the Capoeira school here in Bacolod. Escola Capoeira Grupo Senzala with Contra Mestre Parabolica, held their 1st Batizado and Entrega de Cordas. That day all the students of Capoeira earned their cords and were given to them by the Mestres and Professors of Capoeira from Brazil, Singapore and Malaysia. It was such a happy day indeed because each student was chosen by a Mestre or a Professor, gave them their cords and played with them in the Roda. That day, they have earned recognition of their dedication and discipline in Capoeira, it is like their graduation. My daughter earned her Yellow White Cord that year. It is Yellow White Cord because, the white part of the cord has to be filled up with yellow. And for that to be filled out, she has to earn it on their next Batizado and Entrega de Cordas.

Nowadays, with the many distractions technology has to offer, our kids can get hooked and engrossed in it that physically, they do not do anything. Making our kids go out and trying a physical activity is something we should encourage. And here is Capoeira, a martial art they can discover, a cultural heritage from Brazil, a martial art like no other. It will teach a person more than just discipline of learning a martial art; it’ll teach a person the diversity of cultures, arts & music. I am really glad that we finally discovered it by chance. Even if we only learn it through our daughter, I believe that through her, we have seen a part of Brazil through Capoeira.
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