It’s the season for Buriring! July and August are considered buriring season and it’s the best time for fishermen to catch buriring in the waters of the Visayan Sea. Buriring is a delicacy in Cadiz City, Negros Occidental and a lot of people would not dare eat it because it is considered a poisonous fish. But some would risk it just to taste it.
When in season, Buriring usually costs between 100-160 per kilo. Every year my in-laws await the ration of buriring from their relatives in Cadiz City. Phone calls are made and packages are delivered to Bacolod, Iloilo and Manila to eager eaters who feast on these little exotic fishes while reminiscing the good old days of living in Cadiz.
What is Buriring?
Buriring belongs to the puffer fish family. Although they may seem alike, they should not be mistaken with the puffer fish (butete) which are much bigger. Both though are poisonous and must be eaten only after proper identification.
Burirings are only edible when they reach a certain age or maturity. If you eat it before that, you die from poisoning. If you eat it after that, you also die.
“Puffer poisoning usually results from consumption of incorrectly prepared puffer soup, chiri or occasionally from raw puffer meat, sashimi fugu. While chiri is much more likely to cause death, sashimi fugu often causes intoxication, light-headedness, and numbness of the lips, and is often eaten for this reason. Puffer’s (tetrodotoxin) poisoning will cause deadening of the tongue and lips, dizziness, and vomiting. These are followed by numbness and prickling over the body, rapid heart rate, decreased blood pressure, and muscle paralysis. Death results from suffocation as diaphragm muscles are paralyzed.” (Wikipedia)
After reading that you might wonder why many, like my hubby’s family still eat these little could-be-poisons-could-be-nots. Well, it’s for only one reason – it’s delicious!

How to Cook Buriring
The usual buriring dish is in the form of a sour soup. It is cooked with santol, guava and/or libas leaves and simmered until all the flavors combine into one flavorful brew. To eat it, you can take out the head and munch on the rest of its body. which has a milky taste. Buriring enthusiasts like my hubby delay their gratification and go through the tedious process of separating the meat from the livers of each and every little buriring. Then, he could gobble the meat, savor it and save the best part for last . Buriring livers are to die for! (pun intended) The texture is soft and creamy and tastes like cheese that melts in your mouth. Now that’s the heavenly experience!
So, would you dare eat buriring?
basic ingredient to cook burring:
libas leaves
skinless Santol fruit (cut)
salt for clean the buriring.
O my….kinanglan pa gali sini may birth certificate ang mga buriring para ma eat?
hahaha! banta ko pekeon man sg buriring ila birth certificate para indi sila makaon.
The dish looks like “pinamal-han”. I’ve tried fugu sashimi here in Manila, but I’m not eating it again. Yes, the toxin is deadly, but more deadlier is the price! LOL
Yes, it’s pinamalhan with libas leaves. Roxie, the author says it tastes a little weird at first. Namit kuno ang atay nya. Basi indi ni sya sing mahal sg fugu but highly seasonal. Around July-August lang ni kuno available sa Cadiz.