Adobo Milyonaryo. Sounds haughty but don’t be turned off. It’s just another version of your good, old adobo. Though it’s rich taste can make you feel like you hit the jackpot.
If there’s one dish that might describe us Pinoys, it is the Adobo. It’s simple, requires no fancy preparations, it’s versatile (you can make adobo with almost any meat or vegetable), and it’s flavorful and gets better with time.
But then, there are adobos that taste better than others and that is what the Adobo Milyonaryo of Monsignor GG Gaston is to those who has partaken from its rich flavor. I was lucky enough to be one of those during our hacenda heritage tour at Hda. Rosalia. As I write this post, I have to swallow several times since I’m salivating from the memory of its taste. I kid you not. But more than how delicious it tastes, it will also remind you of how your grandmother’s adobo tasted like.
And now the secret is out, thanks to Imelda Tinsay. Sorry Imelda, I just had to mention your name lest I get myself into jail by grabbing this from the book and posting it here. At least, if you go to jail with me, we can ask the good Monsignor to send us his adobo everyday. 😀
So here it is, one of the most sought after Negrense family recipe, Monsignor GG Gaston’s Adobo Milyonaryo.
By Father Gigi Gaston
From the book Estilo Ilonggo by Mike Santos1 spring chicken – cut into serving sizes
1 cup coconut vinegar or a good red wine vinegar
1 head of garlic, minced
cooking oil for deep frying
1/2 cup cooking oil for stewing
1 cup hot water
1/2 cup vinegar for stewing
1/2 cup Kikkoman soy sauce
salt and pepper to tasteMarinate the chicken in vinegar and a sprinkle of minced garlic overnight. In a frying pan with cooking oil, deep fry the chicken to a crisp, dark golden brown. Set the chicken aside.
In a larger casserole, heat the 1/2 cup cooking oil. Return the chicken. Add the hot water. Sprinkle the remainder of the garlic and mix well. Add 1/2 cup vinegar and simmer over low heat for about 10 mins, stirring occasionally. When the chicken is tender, the water has evaporated, and has become transparent again, add the soy sauce and mix. Season with salt and pepper and remove from heat.
Yeah, yeah, the picture above is not chicken adobo but pork adobo. That’s the one I tried and besides, it’s a picture of an authentic Adobo Milyonaryo, only it’s pork and not chicken.
Try the recipe at home and if you think your version can pass up, try the authentic, personally prepared by Father Gaston. Treat yourself and your friends or relatives to hacienda heritage tour and sample not only the original Adobo Milyonaryo but also other mouth-watering food prepared by Chef Jomi Gaston.
If we will not go to jail with this, you can contact Imelda Tinsay to be your guide.
Tel. No.+63.34.4355377
aw may recipe ka na gid na article ba hehe
amat-amat lang ah.mga classis recipes.
Maam where can i try that adobo milyonaryo?
How come no laurel leaves (dried)?
Yeah, I don’t think Msgr. Gigi uses laurel in his adobo.