Around 2,137 Negros Occidental senior high students who will be incoming first year students by the Academic Year 2023-2024 are set to take the Department of Science and Technology-Science Education Institute (DOST-SEI) qualifying examination on 18-19 March 2023 in six test centers spread around the province.

The result of the exam will be released sometime in June 2023. Those who will qualify will have to opportunity to enroll in priority S&T courses in state colleges and private universities and colleges recognized by the Commission on Higher Education as centers of excellence or development or with Level III accreditation from the Federation of Accrediting Agencies of the Philippines (FAAP) for the academic programs they intend to enroll in.

As a DOST-SEI scholar, they will enjoy tuition fee and other school fees subsidy, monthly stipends, learning material and/or connectivity allowance, uniform allowance, transportation allowance, thesis allowance and graduation allowance. It also includes non-monetary benefits under the Science and Technology Learning Assistance Program.
In return, these science and technology scholars are expected to join the S&T workforce of the country as scientists, engineers, technologists, science and mathematics teachers, researchers, and innovators equivalent to the number of years that they enjoy the scholarship.
A total of 85,636 students are taking the DOST-SEI scholarship exam all over the country. Currently, the DOST-SEI supports a total of 38,646 undergraduate S&T scholars.
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