Starting January 15, 2015 the No Parking Rule will be implemented along Lacson and Araneta Streets which will take effect from 7:00AM to 6:00PM along the following streets:
LACSON: From Bangga Pepsi to Magsaysay Road (Bacolod City Police Office)
ARANETA-Gonzaga Street fronting the Bacolod Public Plaza to Murcia-Alijis Road (Goodyear)
The city government created ‘Task Force No Parking’ to monitor and apprehend motorists who have violated the No Parking Ordinance along Lacson and Araneta streets. Penalties include a fine of P1,000, towing and impoundment and redemption fee of P1,000 for impounded vehicles.

The City Ordinance No. 338 was passed in 2003 but for some reason was not implemented. It takes an APEC Summit for the local government to get serious about our traffic problems.
So far, the first day of implementation show some good signs. However there were a few motorists who are either hard-headed or are not aware of the implementation of the ordinance. Hopefully, everybody will already be aware and will abide by this ordinance even after the APEC Summit meeting in Bacolod in April.