Kung Hei Fat Choi! Today, the Filipino-Chinese community is celebrating the New Year and ushered in the Year of the Golden Tiger. The whole Bacolod City joins them in the celebration with the annual Bacolaodiat Festival. Unlike the previous years, Bacolaodiat 2010 was held at the Lacson Tourism Strip. This made the different events more accessible to the public as evidenced by the throngs of people who came to join the festivities.
There was a grand parade which featured illuminated floats, lanterns, lions and dragons and was joined by the 34 Fil-Chinese organizations. There was also the dragon and lion dance which are customary in any Chinese celebrations. In Chinese culture, the dragon is believed to have control over water, rainfall and flood and the dragon dance will ensure that no drought will be experienced . On the other hand, the lion signifies courage, stability and superiority. The lion dance is performed to chase away ghosts and evil spirits.
A food walk and night market was opened at the Chopsticks Alley located at the North Capitol road where visitors can buy souvenir items and feast on the different Chinese cuisine. A fusion of Filipino and Chinese cultures was showcased during the cultural show also held at the North Capitol Road. Any Chinese celebration would not be complete without the firecrackers and fireworks so a fireworks display capped the nightly celebrations which is believed to ward off evil spirits.
This year’s Bacolaodiat was bigger and better than the previous year and as it becomes another tourist attraction for Bacolod, we expect it to be even bigger next year.
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Glady says
Thanks Matt! You can visit the ancestral houses in Silay City, spend overnight at Mambukal Resort, go scuba diving in Sipalay City or try our local food.
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there are many tourists attractions to choose from, the only problem that we have is the money to spend to see most of them .