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Watch out for Starbucks Coffee Bacolod

World famous Starbucks Coffee has finally reached the shores of Sugarlandia. The first Starbucks in Western Visayas will be located at 18th-Lacson St., Bacolod City. This development will further boost the designation of Lacson St. as Tourism Strip of Bacolod City. High end restaurants, bars and coffee shops already line up Lacson St. and the addition of Starbucks will be welcomed by foreigners who are familiar with the international brand.

Construction is currently ongoing for the stand-alone Starbucks branch at Lacson St. It was speculated that Starbucks will open its first branch in Bacolod City at the San Antonio Park Square (SanParq) where Convergys is located. However, with the current construction going on at the Lacson branch, it’s being speculated that the SanParq will be the second branch of Starbucks. This still remains to be seen.

Personally, I’m interested to observe how Starbucks will compete with local favorite Cafe Bob’s which already has loyal patrons and is located quite near Starbucks.

Here are  Starbucks construction updates. Photos courtesy of Tony Manso.

Ongoing construction at Starbucks, Lacson St. (Photo courtesy of Tony Manso)

Update: As of October 22, 2008

Did you see the sign? The first Starbucks in Western Visayas coming soon!

Update: As of November 28, 2008
(Photos courtesy of

Starbucks opening this December!

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