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Reyes House of Piña: Weaving a Niche in Negros

Reyes House of Piña opened in Bacolod City as distributor of the products of Aklan-based Reycon’s Piña Cloth under the same name. However in 2006, it was registered as Reyes House of Piña and already produced other products from piña and abaca such as coasters and handbags in addition to its piña cloth products.

For Barong Tagalog and Terno, there’s no finer and more elegant cloth than one made from piña fiber thus Reyes House of Piña has captured a niche in the lucrative wedding suppliers industry in Bacolod. The company caters to top Bacolod designers such as John John Ditching, Lourdes Lipa, Tony de Ramos among others.

The design preferred by clients for barong is still classic thus the market for piña cloth remains stable. In fact, Ruby Reyes says demand is increasing and since Negrenses are very fashionable and are not hesitant to spend for high quality and classy products, she sees an uptrend in demand.

Ruby says they maintain a good relationship with their clients and she personally deals with their clients.  She added that  they see to it that they deliver on time since timely delivery is of utmost importance to wedding suppliers. The company also distributes to Manila, Davao and Cagayan de Oro.

A long term plan of the company is to transfer the skills on handloom weaving in Negros Occidental so they provide additional employment to Negrenses. Currently, piña clothe are brought in from Aklan and turned to other products by local workers.

For those who currently owns and those planning to own Piña Barong Tagalog or Terno, Ruby has the following advice on how to care for piña fabric garments.

Reyes House of Piña is also one of the exhibitors during the 26th Negros Trade Fair on September 28 – October 2, 2011 at Rockwell Tent, Makati City.

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