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Negros Occidental Tsunami Hazard Map

The recent 6.2 earthquake in Negros caused by the movement in the Negros Tench has forced around 8,ooo coastal residents in Sipalay, Cauayan and Hinoba-an to evacuate for fear of a tsunami. Although no damage or casualties were reported, it has raised the awareness of the Negrenses that with the moving Negros Trench, there is always the possibility of a quake strong enough to cause a tsunami.

The Sipalay LGU is laudable for its efforts in quickly evacuating coastal villages as preemptive measures. In events of locally generated tsunamis, it can only take 2-5 minutes for the waves to reach the coastal areas. There is not enough time for national agencies to issue a warning. It is in this situation that residents of coastal communities must be aware of three natural signs:

In 2005-2007, Phivolcs implemented a project called Tsunami Risk Mitigation. One of the major outcomes of this program was the generation of tsunami-hazard maps for 43 provinces of the Philippines with coastal communities. These hazard-maps were distributed to local govenrment units to be used as basis for land use planning and earthquake and tsunami preparedness.

The Negros Occidental Tsunami Hazard Map is based on an 8.2 magnitude earthquake at the Negros Trench.

(Click image to enlarge)

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