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John Paul II Beatification Live Telecast in Bacolod

The beatification of Pope John Paul II will be telecast live today in Bacolod at 4 pm Philippine time at the John Paul II Tower which was built in his honor.

The Pope John Paul II tower was blessed by Papal Nuncio Archbishop Joseph Edward Adams on February 18, 2010. The tower features pictures and items during the Pope’s visit in Bacolod.

The well-loved pontiff visited Bacolod City on February 20, 1981 and delivered one of his “most powerful messages” in front of Negrenses who were then facing the sugar crisis.

The live telecast of the beatification will be followed by the laying of flowers at the foot of the statue of Pope John Paul II made by Bro. Jaazeal Jakosalem. A cultural program will then follow.

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