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Francis Kong to Speak in Bacolod

Francis Kong will be in Bacolod City on February 26, 2011 to speak on Being Better Than Your Best. Mr. Kong is one of the Philippine’s foremost inspirational speakers and has also written several books on business and motivation.The event will be held at the University of St. La Salle Coliseum at 8:10am.

Francis Kong is a very sought after speaker so take advantage of this rare opportunity to attend his talk. The organizers intended the talk for the students thus ticket prices are really affordable.

Tickets are sold at P25, P50, P100 and can be bought at IECC Main, IECC SM or at the following Marketing Partners:

Ticket proceeds will go to the following:

There will also be freebies s so you have to log in to to validate your ticket for the raffle.


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