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Buding Ang Babayi nga Naglutaw

Sagaynon film enters Sine Negrense 2019

A short film created and produced by a team from Sagay City is one of the finalists of this years, Sine Negrense, Negros Island’s biggest film festival.

“Buding Ang Babayi nga Naglutaw” is a film written and directed by Mark L. Garcia, which was produced by the City Government of Sagay and the Office of 2nd District Representative Leo Rafael Cueva.

Garcia, who is a film and theatre director, was a former reporter in a daily newspaper.

The film is about the three individuals who reported to a police station and claimed to have seen Buding, a woman by the sea, floating on her bed.

Garcia added that their versions of the story dissect the peculiar case with different angles starting from what happened before Buding’s ‘floating’ and as they uncover the truth behind it, the three individuals’ personalities also rise to the surface.

The director, Mark L. Garcia with camera operator Aldwin Juson.

Most of the actors and production staff came from Sagay City and the film was shot in various attractions in the city, like the Margaha Beach and Vito Church.

He also said that the film tackles various issues about drug abuse, reproductive health, among others, adding that the film is also dedicated to his mother, who passed away nine years ago.

The film is starred by Camille Escaro, Nico Coronel, Helen Arguelles, Archel Lacre, and Milton Dionzon.

Apart from “Buding Ang Babayi nga Naglutaw”, nine films were also chosen to be the finalists in the open category of Sine Negrense.

Behind the scene photo of the shoot at the Vito Church in Brgy. Vito, Sagay City.

Meanwhile, another four films from Sagay City are also finalists in the student category of Sine Negrense. The screening dates are on Sept. 26 to 27 at the Cinematheque Negros, Negros Museum, Bacolod City.*

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