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Whole Kids Activity Center

I was recently invited to the blessing and launching of Whole Kids located at Terra Dolce Building. Whole Kids is an activity center designed “to provide young children with opportunities to socialize, build confidence, and get creative through meaningful play.”

The place was conceptualized by two young moms who were looking for a place in Bacolod where they can let their kids play aside from the usual places at the mall and arcades. When they can’t find any appropriate place, they thought of opening Whole Kids in order to serve the needs of working moms like them.

The growing number of obese kids nowadays may be attributed to their sedentary lifestyles. Most kids are hooked on television and video games thus they lack physical activities. At Whole Kids, children ages 6 months to 8 years can make use of the vast array of educational toys, games, structured activities and safe gross motor equipment to interact with other kids.

The play place is padded so moms need not worry about the safety of their kids. There’s a specific play area for pre-schoolers/big kids and infant/toddlers. Books and toys are also available for sale so your kids can enjoy their favourite books and toys at home.

Their fees are as follows:

Free Play (Mon-Fri)
(6 mos – 8 yrs)P150/hr
10-12 children maximum at one time

Arts & Crafts (Tue, Thu)
(4 – 8 yrs)
P250/session – 60minutes
PM only
Maximum 6 children

Playground (Mon, Wed, Fri)
(2 – 6 yrs)
P200/session – 60 minutes
AM and PM
Minimum 3 children, Maximum 8 children

Music & Movement (Tue, Thu)
(2 – 6 yrs)
P200/session – 60 minutes
AM and PM
Minimum 3 children, Maximum 8 children

Whole Kids is open year-round (except on weekends and holidays) from 9am to 6pm and is located at the 2/F Terra Dolce Building, 13th corner Hilado Sts., Bacolod City. Please call 034.435.66.30 for more information. You can also visit their Facebook Fan Page.

Whole Kids Location:
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