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Visita Iglesia Churches in Bacolod & Negros Occidental

It has been the tradition of many Filipinos every Holy Thursday to do the Visita Iglesia or church visits. This is one of the traditions we inherited from our Spanish colonizers which we continue to practice. This practice dates back to ancient times when pilgrims visit the seven great basilicas in Rome for adoration of the blessed sacrament after the Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday.

Filipinos still practice this tradition and even expanded it to 14 churches and say one station of the Way of the Cross in every church. Some people have special intentions in doing the visita iglesia. Some even go to great lengths as to visit churches not just in their city but to other churches in the province especially to colonial era churches.

For those like me who have neither car nor time, there are a lot of churches in Bacolod and shrines which you can visit. Besides, I don’t think it really matters which church you go to, the important thing is doing the visita iglesia.

Here are the different churches in Bacolod and Negros Occidental which you can visit for Visita Iglesia.

Diocese of Bacolod

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Diocese of Kabankalan

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Diocese of San Carlos

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