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Toto, Christopher Cross to Hold Concerts in Bacolod

Negrenses have proven time and again that they are an excellent audience thus Bacolod City has become a regular destination for international singers.

This November 30, balladeer Christopher Cross will serenade Bacolod City at the University of St. La Salle Coliseum. Yes, the voice that popularized such 80s hits as Sailing, Ride Like The Wind, and Arthur’s Theme: The Best That You Can Do, among others, will be having a concert here in the City of Smiles.

Christopher Cross

Wait, there’s more, just a few days after Christopher Cross swept you off your feet, another 80’s favorite will be having another concert.

Bobby Kimball, the original lead singer of Toto, will be performing Toto’s Greatest Hits live at the USLS Coliseum on December 1. Toto popularized hits such as Rosanna, Africa, Georgy Porgy, I Won’t Hold You Back, I’ll Be Over You, Lea, among others.

Bobby Kimball of Toto

That’s two international artists in a matter of days. The two singers are scheduled to perform in other key cities in the Philippines and good thing the organizers chose Bacolod City as one of the venues. A special treat for the Negrense concert goers before the Christmas season.

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