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The City of Little Things

Last week, I was blessed to have spent my simple 21st Birthday in my dearest hometown, Bacolod City. Truly, much has changed since I last went to this fast-growing city and that was just last January! Buildings are beginning to soar, shops of high-quality are beginning to rise and businesses are ever so booming. These little rapid developments are defining the growth of a metropolis out of once was wad of sugarcane fields that the city is beginning to be monikered the “City of Little Things”.

Despite the growth, Bacolod City has never lost its charm that has been its trademark for the past centuries. My three-day travel was a hectic one and my Facebook account was teeming with pictures and my Tumblr booming with activity now after months of disuse. There are many things in store for a visitor to the City of Bacolod especially if you are a person who values tranquility yet does not want to veer away with modernity.

Recently, I heard reviews from several fellow bloggers about a certain new café in the city. Cafés are often the scene of Negrénse’s social life and of course, the latest chismis about the commercial developments around Bacolod. Museum Cafe by The Negros Museum is a recently-added development to the cafe culture in Bacolod.

I happened to be in the City of Smiles when my fellow bloggers from Negros Bloggers scheduled a meeting here. I arrived half an hour early and I was able to relish the ambience. Following the bloggers’ reviews, I ordered Pata Negros in a bagel sandwich. Though they recommended Buenos Aires Mountain Organic Coffee which is priced at around P95, I ordered the cheaper P65 Batangas Coffee instead because I was on a tight budget. They served the coffee with three choices of sugar – white, brown and muscovado, with the choice fresh high-quality La Granja Milk. I was not wrong for they matched so perfectly…

The service is impressive for not only do they have good food but an indoor area filled with some paintings of local Negrénse artist that would turn your awe and remind you that you are still in a museum!

For some homies that prefer to be in an outdoor setting, the Museum Cafe is not to be outdone too, in fact, it even has a classier exterior than any coffee shops I have been to…

The outdoor area was lined with trees and a mural depicting the hardworking sacadas of Negros’ haciendas. Here, you can take a breath of fresh air while enjoying good organic food either with friends, family or just simply alone. Not to mention, the friendly staff was also there to accomodate your needs…

Its a pretty niche of tranquility in the heart of the bustling metropolis’ commercial center. No wonder why Negros Bloggers chose this as the meeting venue! The classy ambience was able to make the busy blogging people of Negros plan for the organization’s path ahead. Aside from personal expression, blogging is a helpful tool in community and socio-economic development. For a place I found only through blogs, nothing can be more apt. No wonder why everyone had a smile on their faces afterwards…

If you want a taste of Negros in a bite or in a sip, Museum Cafe is highly recommended. Museum Cafe is located near the corner of South Capitol and Gatuslao Streets, between the new COA office and the Hall of Justice. The cafe is open all days of the week from 10am – 8pm. This is where you can relax, unwind and enjoy what Negros and the City of Little Things has to offer – clean, sustainable and simply the best kind of living.

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