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Tapulanga for Ondoy Photo Exhbit

A photo exhibit for the benefit of the victims of Typhoon Ondoy opens today. The photo exhibit was spearheaded by Tapulanga Foundation with the help of the photographers and sponsors.

Featured works are those of Anne Acaso, Dino Cajilli, Ricky Villabona, Timothy Valderrama, Rommel Sancho, Imelda Tinsay, Jomie Garucho, Paolo Lindaya, Lee Meily, Paolo Braza, Val Ramos, Johanna Campos, Jay Abello and many more.

The exhibit will run for two weeks at Korean Grill Restaurant & Bar (KGB) at 23rd-Lacson Sts. (KGB). The photographs are available for sale and proceeds will benefit the victims of Typhoon Ondoy.

Major Sponsors: AHSSI, Lopue’s East Centre, Datalink Technologies and SWIP Travel
Minor Sponsors: Magallanes Shell Station, Cafe 1925, SVG Schuurmans & van Ginneken Philippines, Inc., Marline Commodities Inc., Misyel’s Catering, Jes Photoworks Stills and Motions

For further info, please call 920-9514232 or 917-3065577 or visit

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