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SSC Bacolod Christmas Party 2008

Some of us met for the first time but everybody seemed quite familiar, as though we’ve known each other a long time.  In f act we do, only online. Bacolod City Forum members held a Christmas Party at the Sylvia Manor Hotel last December 19, 2008. It was a night filled with fun and laughter.

The forum ceased to exist only as a venue for us to promote Bacolod City and Negros Occidental but also a venue to meet new friends.

After having a sumptuous meal, we all went on packing our gifts for the charity event the following day. The laughter continued as the conversations turned from funny to hilarious as we sipped wine and watched others sing. Was it the wine or the singing that’s making us giddy? Nonetheless, we were caught off guard when our special guest, whom we half expected not to come, opened the door saying, “Is the party over?” It was no less than Bacolod City Mayor Bing Leonardia in the flesh.

Bacolod City Mayor Evelio “Bing” Leonardia was invited to receive a small token and plaque of appreciation from the group. We were glad that despite his busy schedule he found the time to attend our small gathering. Perhaps he understood that these young people are doing so much for Bacolod without expecting anything in return.

We were all laughing when Mayor Bing raised the plaque because it reminded us of him raising Manny Pacquiao’s belt. Mayor Bing was such a good sport that we joked him that all the time he was practicing raising the belt of Pacquiao in preparation to receiving our plaque.

Thanks to PitikShooter and Annie May Valdez for the photos.

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