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SSC Bacolod Charity Event Bacolod City Forum members worked hand in hand to come up with a charity event for the elderlies at the St. Vincent de Paul Home for the Older Persons in Bacolod City last December 20, 2008.

Forum members based outside of the country donated most of the funds while local forum members  did all the legwork and some also donated cash and goods.

Some may not have shared financially but the time, effort and compassion they gave were all appreciated and are as important as financial donations.

Most of the elderly at the St. Vincent’s Home no longer have families while some have families who are either too poor to care for them or no longer care for their welfare anymore.

We were holding back tears as the Lolos and Lolas entertained us with songs and offered a prayer for us. Some of the Lolas asked for our names so they can include us in their special intentions. They said it’s the least they can do for our kindness.

We gave them gifts but I felt it was us who received more. They reminded us of our own parents. We are still fortunate that we can still show our parents how much we care for them.

Let us remember those who have less in life not only this Christmas but throughout the year. Let’s make them feel that there are still enough reason to smile and hope for.

Thanks to for the video.

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