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Rinagumba Summer Music Festival 2011 at L'Fisher Chalet

The sunny weather couldn’t get any better!!! SUMMER IS definitely here. Kick off your summer & party with “RINAGUMBA” Summer Music Festival 2011! Friday/April 8 at the Roof Deck of L’Fisher Chalet!

Unwind to the vocals of Bacolod’s acoustic/alternative band, CASSUS BELLI! Relax with the cool Reggae beats of Iloilo’s best, BAHAGHARI! Then Fire up the night with the Philippines’ premier latin band, SABOR LATINO! Segway with Cebu City’s HOTTEST FEMALE VJ/DJ NIKKI TAYLOR & Bacolod’s very own, DJ LUIS YNAYAN! It’s one music fest you can’t afford to miss!

**PLUS! SHOTS ALL YOU CAN FROM 11PM until supplies last!!! Also get a chance to WIN IPANEMA Gift Certificates!

Come in your colorful summer attire! (shorts, flip flops, beach wear)
Shindig starts at 6PM! See you at the top! 🙂

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