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Ready to Experience the Great Adobo Lunch?

The 14th Adobo Festival on Saturday, November 5, 9am-2pm at the Balay Negrense boasts of the The Great Adobo Lunch which will highlight past winning recipes of the annual food competition and fair.

The menu will include last year’s winner Adobo Crevette A L’Anglaise by Robert Harland. The other champion Adobo dishes and heirloom recipes are Adobo Mañosa, Chicken Pork Adobo, Baked Chicken Adobo, Adobong Takway, Adobong Puso ng Saging and a wide array of Adobo dishes.

Susan Calo Medina’s Travel Time show and magazine will be also present to document and feature the event and the activities which include Adobo Cooking Competition, Muscovado Cooking Contest, Kitchen Art Exhibit, different booths and side activities.

Chef JP Anglo, chef of Mushu Asian Restaurant and host of Pinoy version of the Junior Masterchef TV show, will be also be doing a surprise dish for the Gourmet Adobo Cooking Demo.

The Negros Cultural Foundation, the non-profit organization that runs Negros Museum and Balay Negrense, invites everyone to witness an event that marries history, culture, arts, tourism and food in one festival. The cooking competitions becomes a venue for Negrense youth and aspiring chefs to master the cooking of Adobo, incorporate local ingredients, develop some of these heirloom recipes and giving them a twist.

For more information, please contact The Negros Museum at 4334764 | 7085080 | 09213307861 or Balay Negrense at 714-7676. You can also find us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter.  (PR)

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