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Nights of Mardi Gras kicks off tonight

Fifty participants in fantasy-inspired costumes will parade around the Bacolod Public Plaza for the “Nights of Mardi Gras,” slated Oct. 10-12, as part of the ongoing MassKara Festival.

The Bacolod Public Plaza will burst with colors when the Nights of Mardi Gras kicks off tonight [Oct. 10] until Oct. 12, such as this in the 2016 MassKara where the participants pose at the Diamond Jubilee Tower*/MASSKARA NEWSROOM
For the first two nights [Oct. 10-11], 25 participants per night will parade at San Juan, Gonzaga, and Gatuslao sides of the plaza.

Each night, eight participants will be selected to advance to the grand finals on Oct. 12.

The sixteen grand finalists will again parade around the plaza. The announcement of five winners will be done at the Diamond Jubilee Tower located at the Gonzaga side of the plaza.

The grand winner will receive P10,000 in cash; 1st runner-up—P7,000; 2nd runner-up—P5,000; 3rd runner-up—P3,000; and 4th runner-up—P2,000.

The remaining 11 finalists will receive P1,000 each.

All the 50 participants will also receive P1,000 each.

The “Nights of Mardi Gras” happens immediately after “Tanda! Sing Na, Dance Pa!,” also being held at the San Juan, Gonzaga, and Gatuslao, Gonzaga, sides of the plaza.

The “Tanda!,” and “Nights of Mardi Gras” are two of the special events created to entertain the MassKara revelers at the plaza, especially those dining and drinking at the kiosks.


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