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Negros Museum Café to Reopen on June 24, 2011

I’m glad to hear the news that Negros Museum Cafe will reopen on June 24, 2011 at 6:30pm. It’s just walking distance from the office. While I love to have my native coffee delivered from our friendly neighborhood kapihan, a change of ambiance is quite welcome.

I often see the museum staff busy with the prepreparations everytime I pass by the museum and Raymond Legaspi’s mural “Hacienda Unwind” slowly take shape.

Behind the walls of the Negros Museum,  a lot people has shared their talents and resources in preparing for the cafe’s reopening. Artists from different disciplines will be coming together for this event. Theater groups and musicians will be performing to entertain the guests. For art collectors, there will be a special auction of the works of ten of the most successful artists of Negros, like Charlie Co and Nune Alvarado. Ten volunteer photographers will also be showcasing their works.

But of course, it’s the food which the guests will be looking forward to. Just by looking at the pictures is enough to make you salivate. Locally sourced ingredients will be used for a menu that has international appeal.

Ten of the worlds Top 100 teas will be available at the Negros Museum to include Rosebud Tea, Black Peony Tea, Lapsang Souchong Smoked Black Tea, Big Leaf Baimudan White Tea and many more.

Photo by Ronnie J. Baldonado

You can try a different sandwich everyday with the 36 different combinations. Have you tasted one-year cured ham Pata Negros? Well I haven’t so it’s something for me to look forward to.

Of course, a Cafe will not be complete without coffee. How do you like your Freshly Brewed Natural Buenos Aires Mountain Coffee? With refined sugar, brown sugar or muscovado? Would you like fresh milk with that?

Photo by: Jomi Garrucho

If coffee and tea is not your thing, don’t fret, there will also be juices. And 4pm onwards, local and international liquors will be available.

Starting June 24, 2011, the Negros Museum will be open from Tuesday to Sundays from 10AM-8PM.

Sneak Peak on the Menu

I received emails and comments from readers asking for the rates in the Negros Museum Cafe. Based in the menu below, price range of sandwiches is between P80 – P180.  The Organic Tea Per Pot 3/4 Liter = Php 90.00.

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