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MassKara 2009: A Kaleidoscope of Colors and Culture

Thirty years of smile, thirty years of inspiration. The MassKara Festival was conceived 30 years ago to remind and inspire the Negrenses to remain hopeful despite tragedies and crisis. This year’s Pearl MassKara celebration will hopefully inspire the nation as well. If the Negrenses overcame the sugar crisis and tragedy of the sinking of Don Juan, the country can also rise above Ondoy and Pepeng.

Over the years, the MassKara Festival has evolved into a celebration showcasing Negrense art and culture. The mask itself has evolved from papier-mâché to fiberglass and is an artwork in itself. Every year, new features are added in the festival making it one of the most colorful and one of the most attended festivals  in the country.

MassKara Village
(Photos by Anton Manso)


MassKara Street and Party Scenes


MassKara Street Dancing


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