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Margie's Cakes & Pastries: Making Dreams a Reality

For this young entrepreneur, God is her silent partner thus for every problem that came her way, God always provides a solution. Margarita “Margot” Villaruel has taken over the helm of their family business Margie’s Cakes & Pastries from her mother who named the business after her. However, Margot also does her homework and regularly conducts product development and improve their packaging.

Her mother started the company in 1983 when a friend taught her how to make biscocho and her own cupcakes and brownies. Today, Margie’s products are available  in major supermarkets in Bacolod and in grocery stores from San Carlos City to Hinobaan.

Because of their packaging, Margie’s products can compete side by side with national brands in terms of appearance. But the company doesn’t stop there, they continuously conduct product development to develop new products and improve existing ones. Margie dreams of one day seeing their banner products going nationwide.

When asked what products she will recommend to a tourist, Margie immediately answered Hopia Ahos (Garlic) and Hopia Sebuyas Dahon (Onion) which are also their banners products.

Margie’s Ugoy-Ugoy is also one of their top selling products. Unlike the usual ugoy-ugoy, Margie’s is twisted which makes it stands out from the rest.


Margie’s Garlic Sticks have also undergone product development and it’s now slimmer than the usual garlic stick.

However, Margie’s stuck to the original Round Piaya which is a deviation from the common piaya which is flat.

Margot is the only one among her family who remains in Bacolod where she lives with her husband and four kids.  When asked if she has plans to follow her family in the United States, she says she can’t forsake her 70 workers and their family who now depend on the company. She practically grew up with most of them and she treats them as an extension of her family. In fact, most of them live in the staff house which is located in the same compound as her family.

How does she manage her time then with a family of her own and 70 workers to think about? She says her management style is teamwork and since most of her workers spent a lot of years with the company, they have a personal stake in it. She also cares for them and provides them with a lot of benefits. She says, this is what sustains the company and with God as your partner what could possibly go wrong? With God by her side, she believes she can make her dreams a reality because that’s what God dreams for her.

Margie’s products are available at the following outlets:

For more information and inquiries, you may contact them through , you may contact them at telephone numbers (034) 434-9375, 4346805.

Margie’s Cakes & Pastries products will be available at this year’s 26th Negros Trade Fair at Rockwell Tent, Makati City.


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