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Lifestyle Baking Training to be Conducted

The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) and the Association of Negros Occidental Food Processors (ANOFP), Inc. will be holding a Lifestyle Baking Training in Bacolod City. The 2-day training will provide an intensive course for beginners, homebakers, food enthusiasts, coffeeshop owners, etc. who would like to learn about the techniques and theories in baking. The participants will be introduced to the fundamental mixing methods needed to bake cakes, cookies, pies and other delicious pastries like, Moist Chocolate Cake, Carrot-Walnut Cake with Creamcheese Frosting, Nutty Chocolate Chip Cookies, Mocha Cake, Caramel Cake, Special Rum Butter Cake, French Apple Pie, Pecan Pie, and Quiche Lorraine, just to name a few.

The invited  trainer/resource speaker from Manila was trained in The Culinary Institute of America, The Institute of Culinary Education, The French Culinary Institute all based in New York, USA; the French Pastry School in Chicago, Illinois, USA; International Baking Institute of Bangkok in Bangkok, Thailand; Heny Sison School of Cake Decorating and Baking; and Sylvia Reynoso Culinary Studio in Manila. The trainer used to work also with known businesses in the hotel and food industry, like Waldorf Astoria Hotel, Ritz Carlton Hotel, Mandarin Hotel, among others. At present, the expert trainer owns and manages KG’s Kitchen Pastry Shop supplying cakes and pastries to various restaurants, coffeeshops, and grocery stores in Metro Manila; and also a Consultant/Chef Instructor at the Technological Research Center doing formulation and baking demonstrations for a multi-national food service brand.

Lastly, the organizers are inviting interested parties to attend this training to be held on 24-25 September 2008, 8:30am – 5:00pm at Planta Hotel, Araneta St., Singcang, Bacolod City. Each participant will be charged a modest participation fee of P1,500.00 only for two days inclusive of meals, snacks, training hand-outs and certificate. Since the number of participants is limited, reservation/confirmation is on a first-come, first-served basis. Please call DTI staff, Romel Amihan at tel. nos. 433-0250, 434-7920 or 708-2423.

Update: Training was rescheduled. Please visit this site for further updates.

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