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Lea Salonga Will Sing Your Songs

Lea Salonga will again entertain the Negrenses at her concert “Lea… Your Songs” in Bacolod City on Friday, January 8, 2010 at USLS Coliseum. Lea will be accompanied by a 32 piece Filharmonika Orchestra under musical director Gerard Salonga. The show will be directed by Bobby Garcia with special guests  Ai Ai de las Alas and Reymond Sajor.

So, what can we expect from the concert? A great time! If you were fortunate to watch her perform live then you know how very good she is as a performer. With Ai-Ai de las Alas we can expect a hilarious number. Lea’s repertoire for “Lea… Your Songs” includes songs requested by her fans so expect her to sing some of today’s popular songs.

The concert is for the benefit of Gawad Kalinga to help raise funds for its growing work of building communities for the poorest in the province.

Tickets for the concert will be available at Café Bobs Lacson, Gawad Kalinga office and Robinsons Mall, SM City Bacolod and the USLS Coliseum, and those interested may call GK at Tel. nos. 433-4718 and 457-1004.

Tickets are sold at 400, 1000, 1500,2000, 3000, 4000. There is a special price for those who want to buy tickets for the bleachers. You can buy 3 tickets  for P1000. Better hurry before tickets are sold out.

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