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L' Fisher Hotel to Celebrate 20th Anniversary

L’ Fisher Hotel will celebrate its 20th anniversary with a lot of events which will surely liven up the whole month of September. L’ Fisher Hotel has been a big part of the Negrense lifestyle from its function rooms, restaurant and hotel rooms. As a proof of their continued excellent service,  L’ Fisher Hotel was awarded by the  Department of Tourism as the Best Hotel in Western Visayas First Class Category in 2009.

The hotel went through renovation last year and it has now a much bigger convention hall, the Grand La Proa Ballroom, which has 1,000 seating capacity. The interior of the hotel also showcases Negrense ingenuity with the use of locally produced furniture and fixtures.

L’ Fisher Chalet Tower II also opened last year offering standard hotel rates at the same quality of service as L’ Fisher Hotel. It is the first hotel in Bacolod to have a swimming pool at the rooftop. It has also a very scenic view of the port area and downtown Bacolod City.

In preparation for the 2010 Masskara Festival and in celebration of its 20th year anniversary, L’ Fisher Hotel is having a facade renovation. Surely, it will be another great design to look forward to and will become another landmark in Bacolod.

Below are the lined up events of L’ Fisher Hotel for the month of September:

The Ultimate Wedding & Events Fair 2010
September 7-9, 2010
New Grand La Proa Ballroom, L’ Fisher Hotel

All You Can Eat Food Festival by Chef Pancho Bringas
Mongolian Nights – Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday (P299.00)
Soup, Salad, & Past bar – Thursday & Friday Nights (P299.00)
Paella & Sangria Nights – Saturday & Sunday (P399.00)

Saturday Chill with the Sober Club
w/ DJ Lian Zayco & the Patikiros
September 18, 2010, 8:00pm
L’ Fisher Chalet Roofdeck
Unlimited Drink for only P299.00

Dance to the Beat of Spirit of ’67
September 29, 2010 – 9:00pm
Grand La Proa Ballroom
P699 – with Dinner Buffet, P399 – without buffet

Themed Weekend Buffet at Ripples Restaurant w/ Live Entertainment
Thai – September 4 & 5, 2010 (P399.00)
Italian – September 11 & 12, 2010 (P450.00)
Spanish – September 18 & 19, 2010 (P450.00)
American – September 25 & 26, 2010 (P399.00)
Saturday: Dinner (6:00pm to 10:00pm)
Sunday: Lunch (10:00am to 2:00pm)

For more info, visit their website at

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