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Experience the 1st Bacolod Jazz Fest 2010

Bacolod City is a Jazz haven. No other city outside of Metro Manila has more loyal Jazz followers who kept the music vibrant other than Bacolod. As a testament, Bacolod City will be one of the venues in the annual Philippine International Jazz & Arts Festival (PIJazzFest) which runs from February 12-28 this year.

The 1st Bacolod Jazz Fest 2010, presented in cooperation with the Jazz Society of Negros (JSN), will be held at the L’ Fisher Hotel Roofdeck at 6pm on February 20, 2010. The event will showcase 20-year-old British-Filipino jazz singer Mishka Adams, Sinosikat?,  Jazz Volunteers and Ilonggo artists Gabe Ascalon and Nancy Brew.

The annual PIJazzFest which debuted in 2005 gathers local and international artists in a month long festival which include mall and bar tours and campus workshops. Jazz, despite being confined to a niche audience, is slowly gaining followers from the younger generation through promotions such as the PIJazzFest. The local scene in Bacolod has likewise been very alive with JSN’s hosting of jazz shows since its inception in 2006.

Spend a jazzy evening with friends and loved ones at one of Bacolod City’s scenic spot, L’ Fisher 2 (Chalet) Roofdeck on February 20. You can grab your tickets to the 1st Bacolod Jazz Fest 2010 at the L’ Fisher Hotel for only P500 (P150 consumable).

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