Site icon ExperienceNegros

Experience Negros Heritage Through Churches

I will be going with friends who were commissioned by the National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA) to conduct photo-documentation of Catholic Churches in Western Visayas. Today will be the start for the Negros Occidental leg which will end on Monday, December 1.

I know it will be a grueling three days considering the distance to be covered but I don’t mind. This is a rare opportunity  to visit all the municipalities and cities of Negros Occidental.

This is our proposed itinerary:

Date & Time Particulars Remarks
7:30 AM Assembly Time at JD Gen. Luna St.
7:45 Departure for Dumangas
8:30 RORO to Bacolod Via Jumalia
10:00 Bacolod to Bishop’s Palace
10:30 Bacolod Churches Suggested Churches:
Cathedral, Hua Ming, Triumph of the Holy Cross, Lupit, ST. Jude, Tangub, Divine Mercy Shrine (Going Bago)
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Bago We’ll cover as much as we
1:30 Pulupandan can of the churches along
2:15 Valladolid the highway.
3:00 San Enrique
3:45 Pontevedra
4:15 Hinigaran
5:00 Binalbagan
5:30 Himamaylan
6:00 Kabankalan
8:00 Sipalay Overnight at Sipalay Tourism Center
5:30 Rise
6:00 Mass/Sipalay Church
7:00 Breakfast
8:00 Hinobaan
10:00 Cauayan
11:00 Ilog
12:00 Candoni We’ll cover Candoni if time permits.
2:30 Isabela
3:00 Moises Padilla
3:30 La Castellana
4:00 La Carlota
5:30 Murcia
6:15 Don Salvador Benedicto
7:00 San Carlos Overnight at Algers
Dec. 1
6:00 San Carlos
7:00 Calatrava
8:00 Toboso
9:00 Escalante
10:00 Sagay City
11:00 Cadiz City
12:00 Manapla Including Chapel of the Cartwheels
1:00 Victorias Including St. Joseph the Worker Church
2:00 E.B. Magalona
3:00 Silay City Sidetrip to Heritage Houses
4:00 Talisay City Sidetrip to The Ruins
8:00 RORO to Dumangas Via Tri Star

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