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ELINJ Aviary Bird Show at SM City 2010

It’s already the third year that the ELINJ Aviary of La Castellana had a Bird Show at SM City. Various bird collection of DENR licensed breeder Mr. Elik Divino were featured in cooperation of the La Castellana LGU. Children and adults alike were all excited in seeing the colorful birds of different sizes.

I had a chance to chat with Mr. Divino and I’m quite impressed by his dedication to the birds. When I asked him which among his collection is his favorite he said all of them. Each is special and cannot be compared to each other.

Mr. Divino started collecting birds, reptiles and other animals upon his return from the United States in 2000. He now has 125 different species of these animals given to him as gifts by family and friends. The animals are so dear to him that he worries about them and hopes somebody will take care of them since he’s already getting old. Well, he need not worry. Because of his advocacy, he will awaken the interest of a lot of people in taking care of these animals.

If you want to see the collection of Mr. Divino, you can visit the ELINJ Aviary in La Castellana, Negros Occidental.

Address: Gomez St., La Castellana, Negros Occidental
Tel. No.: (034) 4850121 / (034) 4858130
Open 9am – 4pm (Monday – Friday)

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