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2020 DOST Scholarship: Everything You Need to Know + Application Form

About DOST Undergraduate Scholarship Program

DOST Scholarship Program offers opportunities to talented and deserving students who wish to pursue 4 or 5 year degree priority courses in science and technology fields. The DOST RA 7687 Scholarships and the Merit Scholarships both aim to produce and develop high quality human resources needed for the Science and Technology (S&T) and Research and Development (R&D) initiatives in the country. 

If you’re interested to apply for the DOST Scholarship 2019 JLSS and 2010 Undergraduate Scholarships, here’s everything you need to know about DOST scholarship, qualifications, requirements, benefits, courses, schools, and schedule.

DOST Undergraduate Scholarship Categories

RA 7687 Science and Technology Scholarship

RA 7687 Science and Technology Scholarship is for applicant whose socio-economic status does not exceed the set values of all the identified indicators as approved by DOST-SEI Advisory Committee on S&T Scholarships. No fees are required for RA 7687 applicants.

MERIT Scholarship

DOST-MERIT Scholarship is for applicant who belongs to a family whose socio-economic status does not exceed the set values of any of the identified indicators. The applicants must pay a non-refundable test fee of P200.

Junior Level Science Scholarships (JLSS) 

Junior Level Science Scholarships (JLSS)  awarded to qualified third year college students who are enrolled in priority engineering courses and other basic and applied sciences and provides for the remaining two or three years of study. The students can either qualify for JLSS Merit or JLSS RA 7687.

R.A. 10612 Scholarship

R.A. 10612 Scholarship under the JLSS is also awarded to third year college students but wishes to teach science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) subjects in the basic education. This supports the execution of Section 8 of the K to 12 law by providing a pool of scholar-graduates which can competently teach STEM subjects.

DOST Scholarship Exam Date

Filing of application for the 2020 DOST Undergraduate Scholarship application will start on June 3, 2019 until September 6, 2019. Date of examination is on October 20, 2019.

Application for the 2019 Junior Level Science Scholarships will start on March 18, 2019 (Monday). Deadline for filing of application is on April 26, 2019. Date of examination is on June 2, 2019.

Download the DOST Scholarship Application Forms

2020 Undergraduate Scholarship

Application for the 2020 DOST-SEI Undergraduate S&T Scholarships is now available for download. Deadline of application is until SEPTEMBER 6, 2019. Date of examination is on OCTOBER 20, 2019.


Download the 2010 DOST Scholarship Application Form here —>> 2020 DOST Scholarship Application Form

2019 JLSS Scholarship

Application for the 2019 Junior Level Science Scholarships will start on March 18, 2019 (Monday). Deadline for filing of application is on April 26, 2019. Date of examination is on June 2, 2019.

Students in regular second year standing for the second semester of AY 2018-2019 who meet eligibility requirements of the JLSS are encouraged to apply.

The JLSS is open to students who have not taken any DOST-SEI exam, those who have taken the undergraduate exam but did not qualify, and those who qualified but did not avail of the award.

2019 JLSS Application is already closed.

Priority Courses Under DOST Scholarship

The following courses are identified as priority courses and we need more Science and Technology professionals in these fields. We need more Filipino STEM workers in order for our country to be globally competitive and we need more innovations to drive economic development.

Aeronautical EngineeringChemistry with Materials Science and EngineeringIndustrial PharmacyMeteorology
Aerospace EngineeringChemical EngineeringInformation SystemMicrobiology
Agribusiness ManagementChemistryInformation TechnologyMining Engineering
AgricultureCivil EngineeringInformation Technology SystemsMolecular Biology and Biotechnology
Agricultural Biotechnology*Computer ScienceInstrumentation and Control EngineeringNutrition
Agricultural ChemistryElectrical EngineeringManufacturing Engineering-Management-Biomedical Engineering**Nutrition and Dietetics
Agricultural EconomicsElectronics and Communications Engineering/Electronics EngineeringManufacturing Engineering-Management-Mechatronics and Robotics**Pharmacy major in Clinical Pharmacy (5-year Program)
Agricultural TechnologyEnvironmental ScienceManufacturing EngineeringPackaging Engineering
Agricultural and Biosystems EngineeringFisheriesMaterials EngineeringPhysics
Applied MathematicsFood TechnologyMathematicsApplied Physics with Applied Computer System
Applied PhysicsForestryMathematics TeachingApplied Physics with Materials Science and Engineering
Applied StatisticsGeologyMathematics and Science TeachingPetroleum Engineering
Animal ScienceGeodetic EngineeringMarine BiologyPsychology***
BiochemistryGeothermal EngineeringMarine SciencePublic Health
BiologyIndustrial DesignMechanical EngineeringScience Teaching (Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Physical Science)
Ceraics EngineeringIndustrial EngineeringMedical TechnologyStatistics
Chemistry with Applied Computer SystemsIndustrial Management Engineering-Information Technology**Metallurgical EngineeringDoctor of Veteriary Medicine

* at UP System only
** at DLSU only
***BS rogram

Where to Study

Who can apply for DOST Scholarship?

Below are the major criteria of those who were qualified to apply for DOST Scholarship.

A. General Criteria of EligibilityRA 7687Merit
Natural born Filipino Citizen
Poor, Talented and deserving student who belongs to a family whose socio-economic status does not exceed the set values of certain indicators.x
Member of the STEM strand senior high school graduating class; or
Member of  the Top 5% of the Non-STEM strand of senior high school graduating class
Resident of the municipality for the last 4 years as attested by the barangay;x
Of good moral character and in good health; and
Qualifier of the 2020 S&T Scholarship Examination

Who are not qualified to apply for DOST Scholarship?

How to Apply for DOST Scholarship

If you are qualified, download the application form here, 2020 DOST Scholarship Application Form.

Properly fill-out the form and attach the required documents and submit to the DOST provincial or regional office near you. For those in the NCR, you may submit your application to the DOST-SEI office at DOST Compound in Bicutan, Taguig City. For more inquiries, you may contact your respective DOST S&T Centers regarding the DOST Scholarship. Below is a list of the DOST S&T Centers and their respective contact details.

B. Scholarship PrivilegesRA 7687Merit
Tuition and other school feesP20,000/semesterP20,000/semester
Book AllowanceP10,000/yearP10,000/year
MS/PE Uniform (1st Semester of First Year only)P1,000P1,000
Group InsurancePremiumPremium
Transportation Allowance (for those studying outside of home province)1 economy-class roundtrip fare1 economy-class roundtrip fare
Monthly Living AllowanceP7,000/monthP7,000/month
Summer Allowance (if required per curriculum)
Tuition and other school feesP1,500P1,500
Book AllowanceP500 (to submit OR)P500 (to submit OR)
Monthly Allowance2 months2 months
Post-graduation clothing allowanceP1,000P1,000

What are the Benefits/Privileges for DOST Scholars?

The DOST Scholarship offers a lot of benefits and privileges. There is a certain prestige in being a DOST scholar, considering the very competitive exam they have to pass. Employers would also prefer to hire DOST scholar-graduates since they are the top of their class.

Below are the direct benefits for DOST scholars.

dost pstc directory

Send Questions regarding DOST Scholarship

We’ve covered everything you need to know about the DOST Undergraduate Scholarship but if you have additional questions, feel free to send us a message through the CONTACT US form.

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