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Christmas Village on Display

Bacolod artist Bamboo Tonogbanua once again share his collection of miniature Christmas Village to the public throughout the Christmas season.

The Christmas Village are on display at SM City activity center and at the Tonogbanua’s residence at San Juan St. where visitors can visit  from 6 to 9 pm by appointment.

Tonogbanua started collecting in 1995 and his Christmas Village collection now has more than 3,500 miniature objects that continue to increase as he continually adds new items in his collection.

Tonogbanua collects miniatures to recreate scenes from snow-covered Victorian and New England villages on Christmas cards that fascinated him as a child.

Now on its 14th year, the Christmas Village has already brought delight to hundreds of people who visit Tonogbanua’s home during the holidays.  Visitors often say words are not enough to capture the feeling of an actual visit to the Christmas village.

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