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A Livelier MassKara with Ipanema Drum Dance

An estimated 250,000 people from all walks of life convergde at Lacson St. on October 17 to join the party along what is known as Bacolod City’s Tourism Strip.

Excitement was in the air, people were restless, everybody was on their feet. Then we heard the  drumbeats and the crowd were not able to resist the infectious island music of congas, bongos and cowbells of the famed Patiqueros and DJ Leandro Zayco.

It was the first ever Ipanema Drum Dance which was tailored after the conga line being celebrated in Brazil during merry-makings where people dance in lines. There was no doubt the night was made livelier with the thumping drum beats and Brazilian music.

The Ipanema Drum Dance started at Ramos-Lacson intersection to 6th Street-Lacson and back. Those who were really game and danced all out were given PhP1,000 Ipanema GC’s. A great party with freebies.. what more can you ask?

The Ipanema Drum Dance was part of the “Live the Fantasy” campaign of Ipanema flip flops which aims to bring the Brazilian spirit of carnival and street dancing to everyone. According to Islandscape Distributors, the distributor of Ipanema for Western Visayas, they will definitely make the Ipanema Drum Dance a yearly event which will surely add more festivities to the MassKara Festival.

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