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6th Negros Island Organic Farmers Festival

The organizers of the first and longest running organic festival in the country once again invite organic producers, retailers and consumers  to the 6th Negros Island Organic Farmers Festival to be held on December 16-20, 2011  at the Negros Occidental Organic Market and Restaurant at the back of the Provincial Capitol.

Negros Island is the Organic Capital of the Philippines. There’s no doubt about this if you consider the breakthroughs that the organic movement has made since the provincial governments of Negros Occidental and Negros Oriental, agreed to make Negros island as the “Organic Food Bowl of Asia” in 2005.

The following year, the 1st Negros Island Organic Farmers Festival which was held in front of the Negros Occidental Provincial Admin building.  I was able to attend the 1st Negros Island Organic Farmers Festival and since then I see to it that I get to attend the activities every year. The 5th Negros Island Organic Farmers Festival last year attracted thousands of visitors and generated a lot of sales for our organic farmers.

The 6th Negros Island Organic Farmers Festival will include the following events:

Every year more and more exhibitors participate in the fair and we can expect more this year since the organizers invited various organic groups from different regions.

This year’s theme is “Food for Peace” which is in line with the food security thrust of Negros Occidental Governor Alfredo Marañon, Jr.  Sustainable organic agriculture is geared towards providing livelihood opportunities to small organic farmers to help alleviate poverty.


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