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5th Regional Marketing Conference Slated

The Philippine Marketing Association-Bacolod Chapter and the University of St. La Salle Graduate School will be holding the 5th Regional Marketing Conference with the theme 20/20 Vision of 2010 on October 8-9, 2008 at the Santuario de La Salle, USLS Campus, Bacolod City.

The theme is premised on the 2010 reduction of tariffs to sugar imports which is expected to have a great impact on the local sugar industry with the entry of cheap and imported sugar. With the economy of Negros Occidental  highly dependent on the sugar industry, all businesses are expected to be affected. Thus companies need to retool and be prepared to face the challenge.

Some of the country’s top entrepreneurs and executives with vast experience in their fields are the invited speakers.



Keynote Speaker

Emily Abrera
Chairman, McCann Erickson Worldwide For Asia Pacific

How Will the Sugar Industry Survive Against Cheap Sugar Imports

Hon. Lito Coscolluella
Administrator, Sugar Regulatory Administration

The Trickle-Down Effect of Cheap Sugar Imports to Consumer Buying Power

Melito Salazar
President, Phil. Chamber of Commerce Foundation of the Phils.

Will Tourism-Allied Businesses Survive When the Sugar Industry is Down?

Ace Durano
Secretary, Department of Tourism

Adopting a Global Mindset

Henry Tenedero
President, Center for Learning and Teaching Styles Phils.

Breaking into E-Commerce

Jovel Cipriano
Founder, Chief Information Officer

Let the World Wide Web Work for You

Donald Patrick Lim
President and CEO, Yehey! Corporation

The Entrepreneur in Times of Crisis

Joey Concepcion
Convenor, Go Negosyo!

Managing Your brand in Challenging Times

Dr. Marivic Ac-ac
Chairman, marketing and Mangement Dept.
San Beda College

The organizers are offering discounts for those who will register on or before 22 September 2008.

PMA Members

Non-PMA Members


On or before September 22




On or before October 7




On site on October 8 or 9




To register, visit:

PMA-Bacolod Office
Unit 5, 2nd Floor, Victorina Arcade
Rizal St., Bacolod City

Or call:

433-8070, 433-0978, 432-3027 or 0919-3710563

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